list of classical problems

2450    Counting Rabbits RABBIT1 1216 34.01
2485    Phone Lines PHONELIN 18 17.80
2511    Magic Program IV MAGIC4 27 17.99
2525    Encoding GNY07C 745 29.02
2526    Decoding GNY07D 1034 36.32
2527    Flipping Burned Pancakes GNY07E 258 52.38
2528    Monkey Vines GNY07F 775 43.31
2529    Model Rocket Height GNY07G 80 54.27
2530    Tiling a Grid With Dominoes GNY07H 2401 64.99
2531    Spatial Concepts Test GNY07I 73 65.83
2565    Another Permutation Problem PERMUT3 56 24.15
2631    Chomp CLK 110 45.67
2643    Starcraft I SC1 54 22.25
2648    Archiver KPARCH 44 13.46
2649    Weird sorting KPSORT 58 26.10
2658    Art of War WAR 17 17.65
2660    Example EXAMPLE 12 21.43
2661    Illumination ILLUM 6 3.40
2662    Put a Point in a Hyperspace PUTIN 17 11.06
2666    Query on a tree IV QTREE4 688 13.66
2668    Polygon POLYSSQ 66 23.21
2670    Count Minimum Spanning Trees MSTS 180 17.18
2699    Recursive Sequence (Version II) SPP 999 26.28
2709    Untitled Problem UNTITLED 27 17.75
2713    Can you answer these queries IV GSS4 3913 17.22
2714    Cow Cars COWCAR 652 37.24
2715    Glasnici GLASNICI 328 37.50
2716    Maximal Quadrilateral Area QUADAREA 6232 50.29
2727    Army Strength ARMY 14513 41.23
2728    Breaking in BREAK 284 26.59
2731    Inventing Test Data INVENT 455 25.96
2733    K Equal Digits KEQ 10 11.96
2734    Large party LARGE 34 24.35
2735    Simplify the Railroad System RAIL 56 36.02
2737    Perfect Rhyme PRHYME 357 17.13
2742    Summing Sums SUMSUMS 911 19.01
2743    Prefix Tiling PRETILE 163 27.96
2815    Increasing Subsequences INCSEQ 2152 28.11
2816    Common Subsequences CSUBSEQS 217 28.61
2817    Distinct Increasing Subsequences INCDSEQ 785 24.52
2826    Round-Robin Scheduling RRSCHED 643 36.38
2829    Time Limit Exceeded TLE 251 21.43
2832    Find The Determinant III DETER3 289 19.89
2833    Super Dice Game SDGAME 21 10.00
2835    Memory Limit Exceeded MLE 90 31.34
2852    Broken Keyboard BROKEN 1197 31.57
2853    Decode the Strings PDECODE 425 39.68
2855    Forest FOREST2 57 12.20
2856    Help Bob HELPBOB 273 31.92
2877    Another understanding of Super Dice Game SDGAME2 64 10.00
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